
This month has been a lot of things and its only the second week of February, and we haven't had a full week of since last semester. Living in New England for my whole life i have seen a lot of snow storms but nothing like this. This year has been unbelievable, i am really at a loss for words about it. We have had six snow days and 61" inches of snow in the last thirty days, and its getting frustrating as an artist and as a person. I have done more shoveling then taking pictures and i have gotten little to no sleep because of an ever fluctuating heating system in my apartment. It is really hard to stay busy and do street photography when the streets don't exist and the MBTA is shut down and your car is blocked in by 12'foot snow banks. It's also frustrating that the school has been closed and you can't even work in the darkroom. But i was productive before the snow storm making 5x7 test prints to narrow down what i will print on 11x14 fiber paper. At some point this week (weather permitting ) my roommate mike and I should find out if we got accepted for an off campus show for the end of the semester. 

........post to continue through out this month